Types Of Insurance You Really Need To Get

Last Updated on November 5, 2018

Health And Disability Insurance

Health And Disability Insurance

© UConn Today

These two insurances, namely health insurance and disability insurance are considered to be one of the most important ones. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter where you get them as long as you have them!

You can get the health insurance, for instance, through your employer, a labor organization, or from the federal health insurance marketplace. This specific type of insurance can help you look after your health and take good care of it.

Health insurance will make it possible for you to do your regular health checkups, afford your necessary trips to the doctor, help you with paying the prescription medication or even help you seek medical care in case of unexpected illness or accident.

However, disability insurance can provide you with a supplemental income, in case you suffer from particular injuries that make it impossible for you to work.

Hence, these two are mandatory and you must have them for the sake of your own benefit!


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