Critical Illness Insurance: 5 Answers To 5 Questions

Last Updated on March 29, 2021

3. What does critical illness insurance cover and when?

As mentioned before, this type of insurance mainly targets major medical emergencies and events that may be very expensive to treat. We also said that there is a limitation to the instances it covers.

Here is a complete list of the cases where your critical illness plan would become useful and how you can use it: Heart attack, Life-threatening cancer, Major organ transplant, Paralysis, Coma, Renal failure, Stroke, Carcinoma in situ, Coronary artery bypass graft, Cash benefit to use as you see fit, Mortgage or rent payments, Groceries, Out-of-pocket medical costs, Prescriptions, Loss of hearing, Loss of speech, Loss of vision, Treatment by a specialist and Transportation to and from treatment.


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