7 Ways To Get The Cheapest Car Insurance Possible

Last Updated on April 19, 2021

5. Consider a pay-per-mile insurance

People who know they won’t be driving many miles throughout the year should consider pay-per-mile insurance. This insurance usually benefits safe drivers who drive less than 10,000 miles a year. Metromile, Allstate, and Nationwide are some of the big companies that offer this type of coverage.

6. Carefully consider your coverage needs

The amount of liability and the type of coverage, together with the added extras, dictates how much your insurance premium will cost. There’s a bare minimum coverage required by law (that varies slightly from state to state), but usually, experts recommend getting a few upgrades. The thing is: you can’t have both all-inclusive and cheap insurance. These two terms are mostly incompatible. So you have to carefully consider what your needs are and the pros and cons of each coverage decision you make. One thing is for sure. You’ll have to compromise somewhere if having the cheapest car insurance is your main priority.