Tesla Insurance Review

Last Updated on February 10, 2021

All this will have a big impact on how people drive – for the better – as drivers will drive slower and, who knows, drive less and get healthier habits such as walking to the shop instead of using the car just to make half a mile to get bread.

5. That Seems Great, But What About My Privacy?

Yes, all this raises that question. How do we know that our personal information keeps just like that, personal?! I don’t want to point fingers, but if you use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Maps, and so on, you’re already giving your personal information to others – sometimes more than you know. Tesla insurance can review the information of the car and work just with that, instead of yours. Yes, they know who’s the owner, but it can be anyone else driving the car. And while someone only sees benefits in being totally transparent about this information they’re providing, others will see this as another way to break people’s privacy. One thing we may agree with is that having access to this kind of information will change driver’s behavior, as they do as much as possible to be better drivers just to get better insurance premiums and deals.


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